Lafarge Portland Limestone Cement (PLC) is an interground cement with a typical limestone content of 10-20%. Thanks to this level of limestone PLC has lower embodied CO2 than Portland Cement (PC).

More about PLC
PLC can be used as a replacement for Portland Cement (PC) and meet the requirements for Design Chemical Classes one and two. PLC can’t be blended with GGBS or PFA to meet the requirements for Design Chemical Classes three & four. The fresh properties of PLC produced concrete are similar to that of a PC produced concrete.
Technical Data
Compressive Strength
7 Day – 40.0 Mpa
28 Day – 50.0 Mpa
Setting Time
180 Mins
Standard Consistency
26.0 %
Declared mean alkali content
0.70 %
Declared maximum chloride content
0.07 %

Contact our team for eco friendly concrete
01384 660 650

- Quality controlled to conform to EN197-1 CEM II/A-LL
- More resistant to bleed with better cohesion & workability
- Improved surface finish
- Reduced alkali
- Can be used with admixtures and additives
- Cost effective
Good site practice
A risk assessment should be carried out before commencing any work It’s recommended trials are undertaken when using a new type of cement. Samples and technical support are available on request for trial work.
To maintain strength, water/ cement ratio should be kept low and admixtures should be used to achieve the required workability.
Concrete should be placed by experienced contractors who have the correct training